Your business is more dependant upon computers than ever before. While the cost of hardware continues to drop, the complexity of networks and software continues to rise. That's where T L Data Corporation enters the picture. We offer service to your network, either on a "break-fix" scenario, or through a more proactive approach labeled "managed service" which prevents problems before they occur.
Also, we can deliver more customers to you through the correct usage of your website. If you've focused on making your site appear pleasing, you may be missing the most important component of all, search engine optimization. Google and Yahoo searches account for 92 percent of first steps utilized by consumers and commercial buyers. Our E marketing professionals will optimize your account, and we have the expertise to assist you in email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, and much more. Our team can help attract, retain, and convert customers on line to your company.
Founded in 1983, we have provided innovative information technology solutions to clients throughout the central U.S. T L Data has over 8,000 accounts with offices in New Orleans, Dallas, Houston, and St. Louis. Our staff includes Microsoft Certified IT Professionals, Cisco Certified Internetwork Experts, Certified Information System Security Professionals, as well as A+ Certified Technicians and employees with college degrees in E-Marketing.